Monday, March 17, 2014

Let's talk to everyone like crazies!

This week has been funny. Super funny.

It all started out with Hermana L at the beginning of the week. In spanish she said, ¨let´s talk to everyone like crazy!!¨ which can also be interpreted into english as ¨let´s talk to everyone like crazies!!¨ You can imagine my confusion at first, and then my laughter once I figured out she was suggesting we talk to every person we pass, not talk to everyone like we are a little bit on the crazy side.
That is what we did. The Jehovah´s Witnesses was an interesting one. I got to talk to them as Hermana L talked to a different family. I bore my testimony to them very strongly. It was an interesting experience. We also found a semi-drunk man who would not accept that I am not a menonite. We tried to talk about the gospel, but he just kept saying ¨YOU´RE A MENONITE!!¨ He then asked to look me straight in the eye to see what color my eyes are. When he got close to me, he saw my sun-bleached hair (I have streaks in the front that are a different color) and he decided I am really Mexican and I just dye my hair. He was very offended that I would tell him I am a menonite even though I am really Mexican. Then he saw the color of my eyes and determined I really am a menonite. We have an appointment with him for Saturday. hahaha
We went to teach a lesson to one of the sisters we contacted in the street. She´s a bigger lady. We started with a prayer, and then we taught her the Plan of Salvation, the way we can make it back to live with our Heavenly Father again. At the end of the lesson, we asked her to say the prayer. We explained how to pray, and she accepted. She then crossed her arms, leaned BACK in her chair, and I swear she fell asleep. Silence. Silence. Silence. It was so funny!! I didn´t know what to do! Maybe she didn´t understand my spanish or something, so I just started praying, and everything turned out alright. I really wish I had a picture of her sleeping in her chair.
This week, I discovered I can have an entire conversation with Hermana L in her sleep. She will even teach me an entire lesson of the Restoration of the Gospel if I ask. I usually respond with ¨REALLY!?!?¨ to everything she teaches me, but when I respond with doubt in my voice she teaches me more fervently.
The bishop called me late saturday night to ask me to give a talk Sunday. That was an interesting experience. I had them all laughing, so I guess that´s a good sign. I think. Maybe.
Okay, on a serious note, our Relief Society President, who is married to the stake patriarch, told us her conversion story. She was converted to the church for a long time, attending church every week, going to all the activities, sharing the gospel with friends, before she was even baptized. She was finally baptized months and months after discovering the true church. It was a testimony to me of patience and the worth of souls. The Lord´s timing is perfect, and sometimes we don´t see that, but He knows what is right for us. He loves us very much. We are His sons and daughters. It doesn´t matter what the world pressures you to do, it only matters what is right with Heavenly Father. I have learned to have more patience with the people we teach. Not to pressure them because we know this is true, but to help them to realize it´s true. Each person has trials, big or small, but the gospel helps in every aspect of live. I know this gospel is true!!
Love you all!! Remember this gospel is true, no matter where or who you are!
Hermana Hunt

I can´t send pictures this week because my computer is really old! :( Next week!

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