Hey everyone,
I hope you're having a Merry Christmas today. I want to share with you for Christmas how my testimony of Christ has been strengthened as I have been at the MTC. It has been strengthened so much! They say the grounds here at the MTC are sacred, and I feel that. I feel the Spirit here so strongly, and the Spirit testifies of truth, so I am learning so much! I feel the whisperings of the Spirit in my heart. Mostly it's a feeing of peace in my heart, but sometimes it comes in other ways. I feel the Spirit teach me what is right, and I do not feel it when something is wrong. I have felt the Spirit testify to me that Jesus is the Christ. That He lived! That He was born to a very special virgin mother Mary.
I have felt the love of Jesus Christ in my life. I have made mistakes before (surprise!) and have felt the guilt that comes from those mistakes. However, through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, I have felt the pure joy and enabling power that comes from His Atonement. He died for me, and because of His Atonement, I receive strength when I repent. I can see how much stronger I am in the MTC through repentance. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and how much He loves me. Without Him, I would still be lost. I would have no direction. I would have no pure joy.
I love being here at the MTC. I love having my life centered around Jesus Christ and His gospel. I have more confidence in Jesus Christ and in Heavenly Father than ever before. There have been hard times, and there have been times where I have no idea what I am supposed to say to people, member and investigator alike, but Heavenly Father knows what I am supposed to say and knows what I am supposed to do. If I turn to Him, He will help me. "Tell the missionaries: If they have more faith, they will have more success." --Gordon B Hinckley.
Each of you has the opportunity to bless so many others this season and this coming up year. If you turn to Heavenly Father for guidance, He will help you to know what to do and what to say to make a significant impact on others.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope you feel the spirit of Christ's wonderful, magnificent birth and have the chance to share it with your kids, your coworkers, and the lady you meet at the check out stand. Even the people here at the MTC I have seen sometimes need just a smile and someone to acknowledge them. Let Heavenly Father help you. Let the Spirit speak to you. Merry Christmas from Utah to wherever you are out there, and a happy new year!
Hermana Hunt
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